US Tour May – June 2016

I have been living away from the US for 6 years now, so it is always a pleasure to return back there to perform, and to see old friends and music colleagues. Here are some photos from my tour in May and June – I performed several solo recitals, and two chamber music concerts, all in 3 weeks, so it was pretty hectic, but tons of fun! Here are a few highlights:
May 17 – Solo Recital at The Levine School of Music – Washington, DC. I was a student there during my middle and high school years. Performing an Alumni recital was incredibly moving – so much has changed in my life since then, and it was wonderful to see all the kind and encouraging familiar faces I used to see at my concerts growing up. Sadly I don’t have a photo from this performance, but I have a photo with the wonderful organiser, Lois Narvey, from a different performance.

May 20 – Trio performance at the David Geffen Hall, part of the Lincoln Center – New York. I performed Mendelssohn D minor Piano Trio with classmates of mine from college – The Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia – always a treat to play with old friends!

May 25 – The Arts Club – Washington, DC. What a lovely venue to perform at, especially in the presence of so many wonderful friends from the past!

May 29 – Merkin Concert Hall – NY. This was definitely the highlight of my tour! I made my New York Debut, performing Schubert’s Trout Quintet with members of the New York Philharmonic at the Merkin Concert Hall, part of the Lincoln Center. Not only was the repertoire absolutely perfect, but it was one of the best experiences I have had performing chamber music!

June 2 – Solo Recital on Wisconsin Public Radio – Madison, Wisconsin. This was a very different but interesting performance, as it was a live recital broadcast. The best part was that it was not only performing, but the host also spoke with me on the air between pieces, so it was a unique experience, both for the studio audience and (hopefully!) the listeners, as well as for me.

June 3 – Solo Recital at Wisconsin Conservatory of Music – Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This was the final performance in my tour, and was also one of the more special ones, as I have a very long history with the person who kindly invited me – Sue Medford of PianoArts. Sue and I first met when I was about 12 years old, and we have kept a long standing friendship since then. Every few years I go to perform in Milwaukee, and I always make sure to include one or school visits to schools to give some educational performances and workshops.