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Celebrating 150 years! Trinity College London Travel Diary: Part II

Celebrating 150 years! Trinity College London Travel Diary: Part II
The strongest ‘Net’work! MUMBAI

2023 dawned with plans in place to go cross-country from west to east to north. In January we covered Pune, Mumbai, Kolkata and Delhi.

As the scenery and weather changed, so also did the audience. From a quiet and shy but knowledgeable lot of teachers in Kerala to very vocal and well-informed group in the west.

United we stand – Pune teachers come together
Making a point!
We have their attention
Carrying Trinity forward – TEACHERS support Trinity in every way

The numbers swelled reaching its peak in Mumbai with 120 teachers attending.

The strongest ‘Net’work! MUMBAI

They were lucky to have Erez Tocker, CEO and Rabea Noor, Director International Sales who addressed the group.

Mumbai also saw a meeting for the drama, comm skills and language teachers. For us, it was a truly enriching experience, buzzing with views, inputs and lively discussions

Fastest hand first
Coffee with Trinity

Kolkata, the city of joy, had a small group but equally healthy interaction. The teachers were happy to be meeting in person after 3 years.

In hallowed company

From balmy Kolkata we headed northwards with plenty of ideas from the teachers to mull over.

Evergreen Trinity in green Delhi

The capital city Delhi hosted the meeting in the India International Centre. The city’s green areas were in full bloom with winter blossoms which made up for the chill in the air.

Many questions and inputs resulted in a productive and interactive session.

All hands on board
Points of view to ponder

This spilled over at lunch over a delicious meal of fried fish, roast chicken, vegetables au gratin, topped off by chocolate mousse to satisfy sweet cravings!

Rock & Pop Examiner Abhishek wears his Academic Team hat!
Here’s always time for a tête-à-tête

4 more cities covered, 300 teachers met!

Celebrating Trinity

Our bags will be packed soon for our travels which will be resumed. We’re on the go…

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